Hello and welcome to KSIM.
Integrative Medicine combines the best of "alternative" and complementary treatments with modern medicine to provide total care of the person. Established in March 2006, the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine (KSIM) is a professional, multidisciplinary organization that is committed to fostering Integrative Medicine research and encourage knowledge and information exchange to enhance communication and collaboration between our members.
Modern Western medicine has made a significant contribution to health care and health promotion through remarkable scientific advances and rigorous medical research. However, increasing chronic diseases, including cancer with limited medical cost has led to patient dissatisfaction. The "cure" of the patient, rather than "treatment" of the disease has brought the need for medical care which integrates conventional and complementary therapies with concept of healing that addresses care of the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. In reflection of this need, Integrative Medicine came into limelight and Korean Society of Integrative Medicine (KSIM) was the one of the first association to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and practitioners with an interest in this field.
There have been many changes in medicine past few decades. Currently, Integrative Medicine is no longer unfamiliar nor a new concept. Government and the local organization are actively seeking ways to promote human well-being through Integrative Medicine. Also, as the concept of healing and well-being is becoming more important, both conventional and integrative followers, including healthcare practitioners, researchers, health care organizations, educationalists have focused on integrative medicine.
KSIM aims to provide directions and information to improve human health and aid in decision-making by the public, by health care professionals, and by health policymakers regarding use and integration of complementary and alternative medicine. To achieve this goal we provide an innovative and interdisciplinary platform linking researchers and clinicians uniting a wide range of complementary and integrative health care disciplines, with a particular focus on whole systems approaches, public health, self management and traditional medical systems.
KSIM may be a small association for now, however, our goal to connect the conventional medicine and evidence based integrative medicine to develop effective, practical, personalized strategies for promoting health and well-being has driven us this far. The future of KSIM is bright with active participation from diverse medical fields including, Western medicine, Oriental medicine, Nursing, Sports medicine, Psychology and Nutritional studies.
Our mutual goal has brought various fields working in harmony together and I am proud to say that KSIM has been the leader in developing Integrative Medicine to improve health and health care in South Korea. As the medical director of KSIM, I appreciate the efforts of your active participation and support for KSIM for our impressive advancement and hope for your continuous interest and support.
Thank you very much.
Kyung-Soo Kim, MD, PhD
KSIM : www.theksim.or.kr
contact us
Office : The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
No. 6009, Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science, Catholic Univ. of Korea,
222, Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-701 Korea
TEL : +82-2-2258-7851
FAX : +82-2-537-4025
E-mail : kscptorg@gmail.com
서울시 서초구 반포대로 222 가톨릭대학교 의과학연구원 6009호 한국통합의학 사무국   Tel: 02-2258-7851    fax. 02-537-4025
COPYRIGHT (C) 2013 the korean society of integrative medicine. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.